Brutal Censorship on Facebook !!

        Petition · Protect Freedom of Speech on Twitter · 



Dear readers and fellow truth seekers,

my last English blog

got completely deleted and blocked on Facebook. All 34 articles were deleted form hundreds of Facebook Groups and the above Internet Address got barred on Facebook, so I cannot repost these articles. That is the reason why I created this new blog.

Some People from the global political elite must have been very worried about my articles
and the informations I provided in them, but please check for yourself. You can find all
 articles under the above link and here are a few examples and if you like please do post
 them on twitter or elsewhere in order to beat this brutal and undemocratic
censorship on Facebook :

Banana Republic Germany - the Vice-Chancellor and the future president of Germany in bed with Hells Angels Boss Frank Hanebuth !! 

The brutal murder of another young German woman by a so called refugee !! 



And for donations:

Carsten H Schulz
Halifax UK
IBAN:   GB49HLFX11041501336306
BIC:      HLFXGB21M04

   Thank you very much !!


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