Is former German chancellor Angela Merkel actually a practising satanist in real life ??



Hello Dear Readers

The long-time former chancellor of Germany, Angela Merkel, lives exactly opposite the Pergamon Museum in the centre of Berlin. The Pergamon Museum - located on the so-called Museums Island - is the place where the ancient Pergamon Altar was rebuilt. This altar was discovered by German archaeologists in Turkey in the nineteenth century and later brought to Berlin to be restored and exhibited.

But the main and rather shocking or revealing point is, that in the Bible in the Revelations
of John, 2/13, this Altar of Pergamon is referred to as the Throne of Satan

So that means consequently, that the Chancellor of Germany, Angela Merkel, who is still considered the most powerful woman in the world, lives exactly opposite the Throne of Satan. And by the way this area is a horrible part of Berlin, just go there and check it out whenever you visit Berlin. And go around the block a few times like I did. It is absolutely terrible and the pictures look a lot better than the reality of this place.

      By the way her address is:    Am Kupfergraben 6,  10117 Berlin

Datei:Berlin, Mitte, Am Kupfergraben 6, Buerger- und Mietshaus 02.jpg –  Wikipedia


You have to ring the bell at Professor Sauer, that is her husband:

der Muger: Berlin: schön und lustig beim Merkel zuhause

And here the Area in Downtown Berlin.

You couldn't really live any closer to the Throne of Satan.

It is exactly opposite Angela Merkel's flat:

Geomarketing: Die Merkels von nebenan | ZEIT ONLINE

The Pergamon Altar inside the Pergamon Museum, but currently this museum is closed for refurbishments. It will reopen in 2023 and it has been closed since 2017 and the refurbishment will apparently cost a few hundred million Euros. What the hell are they doing there ??:

Saal wird ab Montag saniert: Pergamonaltar fünf Jahre nicht zu sehen

And the Nazis used the Pergamon Altar as a model to build the terraces for their Nazi-Rallies in Nürnberg. Albert Speer personally did this on the direct orders of Adolf Hitler and believe me one thing: all the leading Nazis knew about the occult meaning of this Pergamon Altar and the occult aspects of the entire Nazi movement is very much neglected by almost all historians and other scientists:

7. Zeppelintribüne | Übersichtsplan Reichsparteitagsgelände

Here Angela Merkel is picked up at her home by security:

And that is how her subordinate Minister for Health,
Jens Spahn, lives in Berlin-Dahlem:
Jenseits von Hamburger und Cola: Amerikanische Spezialitäten in Dahlem -  Berlin - Tagesspiegel

And here from above. By the way Jens Spahn bought this little castle from the former US-ambassador to Germany, Richard Grenell for 4,2 million Euros and this was apparently a few million under the current market value of this estate. So why did he get it so much cheaper ??:

Martin 🦖Dr. Ian Malcolm 🦖 on Twitter: "Berlin Dahlem - Finkenstraße 1.  Testzentrum für Analabstriche… "

And why does the most powerful woman in the world, Angela Merkel, who is the Boss and direct superior of Jens Spahn, live in a rented (!!) flat in a run down area in Central Berlin ?? In this area there is not a single tree or bush or flowers and she has no access to any garden area whatsoever. So why does she live there??

Well, Angela Merkel, the woman who did her utmost to weaken and destroy Germany, obviously wants to be as close as possible to the Throne of Satan. By the way this devious woman is co-responsible for the death of several hundred German women who in the last 5 to 6 years have been murdered by some of these so called islamic refugees, who were let into this country by the clearly unlawful decision of Angela Merkel in September 2015 to open the German borders unconditionally for everybody who shouted asylum or Syria or anything like this.

Consequently Angela Merkel has been an accessory to murder a few hundred times over and by the way 2 of these islamist terrorist who butchered almost 200 French and other people on the 13. and 14. in November 2015 in the Bataclan theatre and elsewhere in Paris travelled through Germany to get to France. Using the Balkan route they were just waved through at the German border and continued their way to Paris. So the satanist Angela Merkel is co-responsible for these deaths as well and no wonder that she likes the close proximity of the Throne of Satan, because human sacrifices are one his specialities !!

Fünf Jahre nach Bataclan-Anschlag: "Der Schmerz wird immer bleiben" |


And now you know exactly why the chancellor and potential satanist Angela Merkel lives where she lives, in the very
 dark side of Berlin !!

May God protect You !!

So long. Carsten Schulz,

critical blogger, info warrior, investigative journalist, citizens rights activist, 
conspiracy discoverer and truth seeker from Hannover in Germany,

0049  176 434 72044


The False Flag Operation at the Synagoge in Halle

And by the way the so called antisemitic terror attack on the synagoge in Halle/Germany from november 2019 was clearly and without the shadow of a doubt an inside job, a so called false flag operation. This article is in Geman, but please check the pictures and especially the orignal video of the alleged right wing terrrorist, which is included in this article:

And here my YouTube Channel in English, but the technical quality is very bad
- sorry about that and I will hopefully improve and make some progress.

But the content is spot on:

And please always remember the uncontrollable shaking and trembling of Angela Merkel, which has never been sufficiently explained and which by the way just happened when the German National Anthem was played, to no other occasion. That is exactly the reason why Angela Merkel is nowadays always sitting on a chair whenever they play our Anthem:

And if you like to support my independing and critical reporting from Germany please donate some money if you can afford it:

Carsten H Schulz
Halifax UK
IBAN:   GB49HLFX11041501336306
BIC:      HLFXGB21M04

      Thank you very much !!....


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