Fridays For Future = 666 or the Sign of the Beast !!
And please check out all these children observing this disgusting climate protest action in front of the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin. Some of these climate activists have no shame and no morals:
Hello Dear Readers,
at the moment the climate conference in Glasgow is happening and consequently I would like
to clear a few things up and - if you like - enlighten you and widen your horizon:
of all it is very important that you understand that there is no
climate change happening at all, neither man-made nor otherwise. A rise
of the global temperature by 1 to 1,2 degrees Celsius in 150 to 170
years does not constitute a change of climate. This
is the completely wrong word, an absolute inaccurate terminology and
basically nothing else that blatant propaganda. Or do we have in Glasgow
or in London or in Berlin or in Warszawa or in Stockholm by now a
mediterranean climate with constant sun shine and permanent temperatures
of more than 30 degrees Celsius for 4 or 5 months during summer ?? Obviously not !!
So that is a blatant lie. There is no climate change, just a minimal rise of
temperature over a very long period.
Furthermore there are a lot of advantages in higher temperatures for a lot of countries.
If it was 5 to 6 degrees warmer in countries like Britain or Germany or Poland or Sweden or
the Netherlands or Belgium and you could grow oranges and lemons there,
what would actually be the disadvantages ?? There would be none. There
would be just advantages. So why do these climate hysterics and these
climate fear mongers and these corrupt climate scientists never speak
about the advantages of warmer weather and instead glorify coldness and
demonize warmth ??
This is totally irrational or deliberate propaganda, because an eternal scientific truth is
and I state this especially to all these coldness freaks:
is good for almost all human and non human life and coldness is bad and
often enough deadly for it. And the same applies to most plants and
consequently we find by far the biggest variety of species at the
equator, where it is hot and humid. And by the way that is also the
reason why we all came out of Africa, why humankind developed in Africa
and why our species homo sapiens evolved in Africa close to the equator.
the entire climate change bullshit is a hoax, a global swindle and a
vicious conspiracy in order to generate thousands of trillions of
dollars for the global elite and the ruling classes, especially via the
global CO2 tax and the deceptive carbon credit scheme by which mainly
big multinational corporations benefit. And a further goal of the puppet
masters in the background is the creation of a centralised fascist
world order, a world government which tells other formerly sovereign
countries what they are allowed to do and what not. And this absolute
irrational and excessive fear mongering which is happening right now is
the way to reach these goals. The global elite did the same with this
artificially created coronavirus and this artificially created corona
pandemie. Fear is always a very good and effective way to control the
masses and to oppress the people, but the scientific fact is:
won't be a climate catastrophe, that is complete bullshit. Instead
there will be a lot of advantages when it will be getting warmer. Sure
when the ocean levels are rising, some coastal areas will disappear, but
on the other hand huge swath of land will be newly inhabitable and
could be used for farming and growing food when the ice and snow finally
disappears and we are talking here about more than 20 million square
miles (Canada, Russia, Finnland, Norway, Greenland and so on).
don't worry, folks, the future is bright. So use as much energy and
fossil fuel as you like. And please fight these global climate fascists
who are desperate to create their Eco-Dictatorships and complete their
New World Order. Fight this vicious Green Khmer, who obviously abuses and instrumentalize
young people like Greta Thunberg and others !!
Freedom instead of Eco-Fascism !!
So long. Carsten Schulz,
passionate blogger, investigative journalist, truth seeker, conspiracy
discloser and citizens right activist from Hannover in Germany,
0049 176 434 72044
telegram: @castello2021
In my opinion a lot of the puppet masters in the background are sociopaths and
satanists and our (former) Chancellor Angela Merkel might be one of them.
The devil comes in all kinds of disguises:
Is German Chancellor Angela Merkel a practising satanist ??
here you can see this sweet little Swedish girl Greta Thunberg with all
her professional body guards. These former special forces soldiers - in this situation at least 8 of them - cost
about 1000 Dollar a day. So who is actually paying for them ?? Any why
are they preventing journalists from asking critical questions ??
| | Exposed: Greta's school strike sham, from Al Gore to her bodyguards | Ke... |
And for much needed financial support:
Carsten H Schulz
Halifax UK
IBAN: GB49HLFX11041501336306
or alternatively
Carsten Schulz
Commerzbank Hannover
DE52 2504 0066 0590 6250 00
Thank you very much !!....
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